雙11騷莎夜★Double Eleven Salsa Social

★Double Eleven SALSA Social ★ 雙11騷莎舞會★

We have Double 11 Party this friday, Salseros See you there❤

2022/11/11(fri)★Double Eleven SALSA Social ★

♪ Door Open: 9pm~0am
♪ Music: Salsa main Bachata &more
♪ Entrance Fee NT300

☆Free Lesson (Salsa) 9:10pm-9:30pm

* 提供小紙杯&無酒精飲料、可自備飲料但別留垃圾。(有部分吧台服務)
Complimentary non-alcohol drink while stock last, you can bring your own as limited bar service for the moment.
No garbage left please.
* 進門量體溫、消毒、盡量準備恰好的入場費以免退還零錢、謝謝。
To enter please check body temperature, disinfection, and if possible prepare just the right entrance fee to avoid return small change, thank you for your cooperation.

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