新年快樂!讓我們以一身喜氣洋洋的紅裝, 開啟今年充滿活力的舞蹈序幕!身穿紅色服飾即可免費獲得一杯Shot一起乾杯慶祝新年!
Happy LUNA New Year! Let’s kick off this year’s dance celebration in red attire! Wear red and get a free shot!
Let’s toast to the New Year together!
2025/2/7(Fri) Salud春節舞會 
- Door Open: 9pm~0am
- Music: Salsa & Bachata
- Entrance: NT300 (Cash Only)
Before Social, Take a LESSON!
2/7(Fri) 7:40pm-9pm SALSA Lesson
✓ 80 min Open Level lesson & Social Party
✓ Online Ticket 600nt (Cash at Door 800nt)
✦ Salud Salsa Party ✦
台北市中山區南京東路三段216巷23-1 MRT南京復興站Exit3 走路2分鐘