2023/12/9(sat) Salud週末舞會 Salud Saturday Social

December is an ideal month for celebrations and parties! Join Us at Salud♡

📅2023/12/9(Sat) Salud Saturday Social 週末聲色舞會

⌚ 9:10~9:30pm Free Lesson 免費課程

✓ Door Open: 9pm~0am
✓ Music: Salsa & Bachata +more
✓ Entrance: NT300 (Cash Only)

FB Event Link: https://www.facebook.com/events/2613810392110725

💡 提供小紙杯&無酒精飲料、可自備飲料但別留垃圾 (有部分吧台服務)
Complimentary non-alcohol drink while stock last, you can bring your own as limited bar service for the moment. No ANY garbage left please.

💡 盡量準備恰好的入場費以免退還零錢、謝謝。
To enter please prepare just the right entrance fee to avoid return small change, thanks.

✦ Salud Salsa Party ✦
🚇 MRT南京復興站Exit3 走路2分鐘
🌎 https://saludsalsaparty.com

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