Salsa Bachata Lesson 體驗日 9/20 Salud IntroDay

the Next Salud IntroDay is 9/20(wed) – Salud體驗日

正課1堂為60分鐘, 當天有兩堂課程可以上, 體驗看看有跳舞的一天♪

7:30pm- Bachata
8:30pm- Salsa

  • 活動優惠價到前一天為止, 請先私訊報名📧 再滙款做確認 或 網路商店🌎下單報名.
  • Special Price till one day before the event day, please 📧 DM to apply before wire fee to confirm your spot, OR  you can directory order by our 🌎 Online Shop.

🌎 網路報名 IntroDay體驗 Online Sign-up

Your first dance lesson at Salud! Special Price only for Salud Intro Day, you can get 2 classes (Bachata & Salsa) for Intro day Special . 1 class 60 min, Get Special price at NT400 with 2 Classes! (Original price is NT400 per 1 class) No need partner nor dance experience, Let’s start dancing from here!

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